The cleaning continues

I spent a couple more hours cleaning my office last night… I very nearly have it back! All that’s left is to move the file folders with my organized bank statements, credit card bills, and the like to the file cabinets upstairs (instead of the living room floor space they currently occupy), shred a whole bunch of *old* documents, and I’ll be ready for the Great Culling.

It’s also two weeks to the beginning of NaNoWriMo. Ive been flopping back and forth between a couple of different ideas… and I should probably settle on one, so that I can do a little bit of planning and outlining before the month starts. Here are my rough ideas (in order of fleshiness):

* A cross-worlds story a la Chronicles of Narnia, but with a Shakespearean slant (basically, a troupe of actors steps into a real-life MacBeth/Hamlet/Lear scenario).
* A more traditional fantasy tale about a brother and sister divided by war, and their respective efforts to get back to each other.
* A novel set in the Earthdawn universe, with an eye toward publsihing it through RedBrick.

Regardless, I’m thinking about blogging the novel as I work on it… to help keep me honest.

One final thing… if you haven’t encountered it yet, check out Girl Genius by Phil and Kaja Foglio. It’s a great Victorian-era pulp steampunk romp. Add it to your “webcomics to read” list!

One thought on “The cleaning continues

  1. Sya

    I don’t exactly blog my novel (I post it on my website instead) but I know exactly how you feel about “keeping it honest.” This way, I feel an obligation to write some more the next day to post the next installment.

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